Elastic for Personal Protective Equipment
We have a close coorporation with innovative companies, developing new products for fixation of personal protective equipment PPE.
We produce a large assortment of latex free elastic tapes and ribbons with customized elongation, width and tenacity.
Currently used in facemasks Type I, Type II, Type IIR, FFP2, FFP3, og N95
Elactic for facemasks
Round ear loop elastic, developed for facemasks fixated behind the ear.
Flat elastic, developed for facemasks fixated behind the head and neck.
- Width
- Elastic elongation
- Colour
- Composition
- Ultrasound weldable
Elastics and tapes for Visors
We have a broad assortment of elastic and un elastic tapes, developed for fixating a visor.
Vi offer:
- Latex free
- Width and elongation customized
- Button hole elastic for flexible adjustment
- Cutting into customized length

ELAS A/S’ factory and head office are situated in Herning. Here the running meters of woven, crocheted, and braided elastic, laces and rigid tapes are developed and produced.
The subsidiary SIA ELAS Baltic is situated in Latvia. Here we process the running meters further. It will typically be sewing, ultrasonic welding, and packing operations.